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Tu es Magique mon amour

13 octobre 2012

Tell me

I wonder what you think about me. If I tell you about my love for you, would you tell me about yours? When is the first time I appeared in your dreams? Your ex girlfriend was sometimes jealous and insecure about you and I. What about your actual girlfriend? Is she jealous and insecure too? Is that why we don't talk anymore? Or is it you? Is it because you feel bad about you? You feel like you have betrayed a friend, or even 2, 3 or 4 because you flirted with me? I would understand that. You actually did. But I still believe you didn't mean to hurt anybody. If it happened to you like it happened to me, these feelings weren't calculated. You don't need to feel ashamed about it or to deny them. It would be absolutely stupid to do so. Moreover that would be a lack of respect towards yourself. It would be like telling yourself to shut up because you don't give a fuck about what you feel. I mean, if anybody ever tell me this, I'll consider it as total disrepect. Even if it's coming from me. So, tell me, how do you feel when you hear my name, and do you see me sometimes, in your dreams, and do you wish you could stay there, right at the place where you stand next to me?
16 septembre 2012

Dear You, I want to apologize, for all my weird

Dear You, I want to apologize, for all my weird ways toward you. I'd like to explain why I acted that way. Why I denied I like you, and why I was sometimes so cold. i had some personnal (questionable I admit) reasons to do so. But my eyes clearly couldn't lie. Eyes do talk, and mine were apparently loud when trying to talk to yours. I don't know you as much as I would like to, and I've notice you are a flirt, but sometimes I felt it more than only a flirt. I mean we weren't pretty close, but you got to admit we were really comfortable with each other til some point. I've never in my entire life hold an eye contact for so long. It wasn't even awkward. What was weird was when I tried to avoid your eyes. I know it was so fake. Know this: what you interpret as shyness, is me trying to restraint, and damn boy, if you had been lonely, my arms I would have wrapped around you. I still dream about you. Isn't that believe me, now I know and admit that I like you.
13 septembre 2012

Maybe it happen or maybe it didn't. But I surely

Maybe it happen or maybe it didn't. But I surely felt something. It felt as if my heart was a blossom, awaiting to unfearl. And I wanted more but my state wouldn't allow me to. So it was sort of an epiphany, a moment of grace, a moment of change.
8 septembre 2012

Avant lui je n'avais jamais pleuré Puis J'ai

Avant lui je n'avais jamais pleuré Puis J'ai ressourcé des océans entier Temeraire, rarement de lui j'ai eu peur Mais térrorisée de mes propres pleurs Par ces raz-de-marées Mon âme s'est échappé Ses cris de plus en plus forts Affaiblie, j'acceptais mon sort Puis une éclatante lucidité Réflétant la fille qu'avant lui j'étais M'a atteinte et submurgée Et oh surprise! Je l'ai quitté Et les larmes avaient déjà été versées Pour la macédoine de blessures du passé Je souris je n'ai plus à pleurer Dorénavant, je n'ai plus de quoi pleurer.
7 septembre 2012

the song

What was it all about? Why were you staring at me while playing that stupid beautiful song? Yeah I could see you, have you ever heard about the blind spot? I've learn to use that a lot. Specially with you. Since the beginning. But the point is not there the point is: what the fuck were you looking for? I mean no need to be romantic if you just want to fuck. And you don't take months to seduce somebody you just wanna fuck right? Or maybe no. Maybe i'm totally wrong. Maybe is kind of a trophy hunting. The longer time you take chasing a girl the bigger is the size of the imaginary trophy. But it's a big waste of your oh so precious time so I wouldn't believe a word of it. I guess what I'm trying to say is: what's the problem with you? Or maybe what is wrong with me? Why did I like that stupid beautiful song that much?
6 septembre 2012

strange clouds

Strange clouds in the sky. All sort of clouds. Some were high, some were low. It was quiet spectacular to look at them go. I never believed in signs, but I do believe that IT was a sign. Among all the signs this one is the only one I believe in. Because it wasn't like a small sound, or a leaf that felt from a tree; not at all. It was as if universe was thinking: "what the hell am I going to do with those two? omg I've been trying to make them realize they are made for each other for like, ever, but they just won't listen to me!!! Let's do something big ass spectacular, like, in the sky, so they both won't miss it; if they don't get the point with this today, they'll get it when they think about this private clouds show in the future". And it was magical. Because I got its point right away. I felt it in my bones. And since that day, I stop crying. I did not shead a tear anymore. I was not sad, I had no blues. Actually, I was able to smile. Because I start to believe in Love again.
6 septembre 2012

ta main

Je te vois droit devant moi. Je continue sans dévier mon itineraire. Tu me vois, tu t'imobilises en regardant par dessus ton épaule. Je pourrais presque dire que tu me priais pour que je te fonces dessus. Reconnue pour mon obeissance, j'optempère. Mais je freine mon mouvement en posant ma main sur tes pectoraux. J'ai quand même le droit de me gâter, parfait inconnu.. Mais là, tu me surprends. Je sens ta main d'une telle douceur empoigner la mienne. La théorie de la relativité fut appliqué à ce moment. Ces quelques secondes où ma main s'est trouvé dans la tienne m'ont paru une eternité; je veux plutôt dire que j'aurais voulu qu'elles durent toute l'eternité... Tout a changé à ce moment. Pour moi. Premièrement car cela remis en question le concept complet de l'amour que je connaissais. Nul besoin d'apprendre à connaître quelqu'un je venais de tomber en amour avec un parfait inconnu. Et l'énergie, l'émotion ressenti était beaucoup plus intense que ce que j'avais jamais ressenti...Alors ça devait être ça ce qu'on appelle le coup de foudre...Mais lààà! Comment cela est-il possible. Non impossible. Je ne le connais pas, ce nest pas mon "style de gars", il est à peine de ma grandeur. Non mais si ce critère n'est plus important quel critère l'est vraiment? Mais comment dire que ce que je ressens est faux? Je n'arrive moi-même pas à croire ce mensonge. Je voudrais simplement rester obnubilée devant sa beauté peu commune à longeur de journée. Et c'est d'ailleurs ce que je fit dans les mois qui suivirent.
3 septembre 2012

When there were people around us, I didn't want

When there were people around us, I didn't want them to notice that I was looking at you. Maybe there's in part due to my shyness, but mostly, I wanted to keep the little that we had between you and me. I could feel all eyes on me, surrounded by hypocritical kindness. At that point, I was trying to keep it low as much as possible. But really, I was craving to give you the eye. I did when I felt free to do it in some kind of way. I must say I enjoyed seeing you grin, each time you caught my attention. It was sweet. Hope it was sweet for you too.
1 septembre 2012

Mon ange ta présence est indéniable auprès de

Mon ange ta présence est indéniable auprès de moi. Mais j'ai tant d'amour à donner et tu n'est pas là avec moi. En pensée, dans mon coeur, oui, tu as une place de choix. Mais dans mes mains, contre ma peau, un vide se fait sentir. Prouves moi que tu m'aimes ne fait pas que me le dire. Dis moi que tu m'aimes, car autrement tes preuves ne soutiennent aucun fait. Tu es celui qui auras à jamais mon coeur car tu as su m'aimer quand les autres ne voyaient aucune utilité à m'utiliser. Je t'aime mon ange.
27 août 2012

Mon ange, tu manques tant, ton corps me manque

Mon ange, tu manques tant, ton corps me manque tant. De te voir, de te toucher, de te sentir. De sentir tes bras autour de moi, je serais si bien dans ton creux d'épaule en ce moment! Être allongée près de toi, te caresser doucement, j'ai si hâte que ce moment arrive enfin. Cela fait si longtemps que je t'attends. Je t'aime tu es mon prince, mon roi. Je souhaite avoir la chance de te croiser dans mes rêves cette nuit, en attendant de te revoir enfin.
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Tu es Magique mon amour
  • Je ne croyais plus pouvoir aimer puis tu es arrivé. Tu as rallumé en moi une foi inattendue. Je t'aime, chaque parcelle de toi je l'aime. Et j'aime toi et moi. Parce que notre bonheur est vrai.
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